Natural Law Party
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Genetic Engineering
Email Congress

July 1999

How You Can Help!

  • Become a contact. We need people in every U.S. congressional district to distribute materials about the hazards of genetically engineered foods and help us get the word out.
  • Become a coordinator. We need coordinators in every major city to set up GE Summits like the ones in San Francisco and Washington, D.C., and to organize the legislative initiative for each congressional district. By becoming a coordinator, you can take on a central role in our national organization for Campaign 2000.
  • Stay informed. Read Laura and Robin Ticciati’s Genetically Engineered Foods: Are They Safe? You Decide and Bob Roth’s The Natural Law Party: A Reason to Vote—and pass the books on to your friends, family, and business associates.
  • Become a Natural Law Party candidate. Running for office gives you an enormously powerful platform from which to talk to the media and the American people about safeguarding our food supply.
  • Become a fundraiser. We need significant financial support to set up GE Summits and candidate training courses in every city in America. You can help create this crucial financial foundation for our success in Campaign 2000.

Please act today.

Call 1-800-332-0000 ext. 118 to get involved!

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