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Dateline 7/6/2001

Four News Updates

(1) John Hagelin To Speak At Agape On August 12

On Sunday, August 12, at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Dr. John Hagelin will give a special presentation entitled "Achieving World Peace: Uniting Science and Spirit" at the Agape International Spiritual Center, located at 5700 Buckingham Parkway in Culver City, California.

We encourage Natural Law Party supporters in the area to come and hear Dr. Hagelin. WISDOM Television is also planning to videotape this event for later broadcast on the station. For directions to Agape and more information, please visit the Agape website at

We look forward to seeing you there!

(2) John Hagelin Op-Ed Published In Providence Journal

Dr. John Hagelin's recent press release concerning Senator Jeffords' move from Republican to Independent was published in its entirety on June 23 as a 3/4-page Op-Ed in the Providence Journal. The Journal is the second-largest newspaper in New England and highly respected. To read the article online, please visit the NLP website at

or the Providence Journal website at

(3) Time To Re-Register Under "Natural Law Party"

If you changed your voter registration from "Natural Law Party" to "Reform Party" during the last election in order to support John Hagelin's coalition candidacy for President, please re-register under "Natural Law Party." In many states (for example, California and Colorado), continued ballot access for the Natural Law Party depends on how many voters hold an NLP registration. So please re-register for the Natural Law Party today!

(4) John Hagelin On Wisdom Television

Dr. John Hagelin has just agreed to provide a weekly half-hour show for the WISDOM television network. This special program will keep viewers up to date on Dr. Hagelin's latest thinking and research into current events and the physics of mind and consciousness.

If you haven't yet signed up for WISDOM TV, please do so today at

or call WISDOM directly at 1-800-700-2212.

Or call your local cable company today and request the WISDOM channel in your area. Generally, cable companies will add the station automatically to local service if enough subscribers call in and request it. So make your call today!

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