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Dateline 10/31/2000

November 1 Conference Calls, Nationwide Rallies For Hagelin

On Wednesday evening, November 1, candidates, supporters, and leaders of the Hagelin/Goldhaber campaign across the nation will gather together at rallies in over 50 locations to celebrate the successes of the 2000 campaign (see details below).

The rallies will all be connected via two national live teleconference calls. To connect:

Dial: 512-305-4608
Date: Wednesday, November 1
Time: 8:30 p.m. & 10:30 p.m. Eastern
7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m. Central
6:30 p.m. & 8:30 p.m. Mountain
5:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. Pacific

Speakers on the calls will include:
John Hagelin, presidential candidate
Nat Goldhaber, vice presidential candidate
Doug Friedline, Hagelin/Goldhaber campaign manager
Robert Roth, Hagelin/Goldhaber press secretary
Russ Verney, founding Reform Party chair
Jim Mangia, founding Reform Party secretary
Donna Donovan, former Reform Party press secretary
Vincent Spano, Hollywood actor, producer, and director
David Lynch, Hollywood producer and director
Neale Donald Walsch, bestselling author

The teleconference calls will be a tremendous opportunity to hear the latest news and inspiration, and the rallies will give you a chance to meet fellow Hagelin/Goldhaber supporters. Please check the state list below for the rally nearest you.

If you would like to host an additional rally at your home or office, you're welcome to do so. Please call Susan and Harry Pavelka right away at 877-Hagelin (424-3546), ext. 116 or 123, to be added to our list of events.

For the most up-to-date rally information, please visit the Hagelin website at (locations are subject to change).

If you can't make it to a rally, you can still connect to Wednesday night's call; just connect in from your home. (The cost is the same as a regular long-distance call.)


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