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Dateline 10/7/2000

Ten Important Action Steps
from Campaign Manager Doug Friedline

Dear Friend,

We have just one short month before the November elections-- but we still have many, many ways to help promote the Hagelin/Goldhaber campaign. Whether you have campaign experience or not, here are ten key action steps you can take to help the Hagelin/Goldhaber team pull off an incredible political upset this November.

1. Get Involved

Pledge your support to the Hagelin/Goldhaber campaign by filling out the "Get Involved" form on the Hagelin website at We'll put you in touch with campaign coordinators in your area.

2. Print and Distribute Our New Online Brochure.

Download the new Hagelin/Goldhaber printable brochure at Print the brochure on goldenrod paper (available at Staples or Kinko's). Make as many copies as you can afford, and pass the brochures out to friends, relatives, fellow workers and classmates. Walk through your neighborhood and distribute them door to door.

(Note: to open the brochure, you'll need free Adobe Acrobat software. If you don't already have it, just go to

3. Email All Your Friends.

If you haven't already done so, sign up for the Hagelin/ Goldhaber news flashes at Read and forward the news flashes to all your online friends. Develop email groups that are interested in politics or specific issues.

4. Throw Hagelin Parties.

Check out John and Nat's schedule on the Hagelin website at When John or Nat is on national TV, invite your friends over to watch-- think "Super Bowl" party. Or order our new videotapes of John and Nat at the NLP Convention at to show to your friends. Sign up, and encourage your friends to sign up, as volunteers in your local area. You can call your state coordinator or fill out a volunteer pledge card (see point 1).

5. Pick Up the Phone.

Call 10-25 friends and tell them about John and Nat's candidacy. Encourage them to visit the website at, to check the schedule, and to watch John & Nat when they're on TV.

6. Cover Your Bumper.

Visit our new online store at (launching Sunday, October 8) to order Hagelin/Goldhaber bumper stickers for your car and for your friends' cars--or call campaign headquarters at 877-Hagelin to order bumper stickers. Remember, they don't do any good if they don't make it onto your car. If you don't like putting bumper stickers on your car because they seem so permanent, don't fear--our bumper stickers are removable! Or you can put them on the back window, or use a hair dryer to make them even easier to peel off. (The online store also offers T-shirts and Hagelin/Goldhaber buttons.)

7. Be House Proud--Put Up a Lawn Sign.

Download a Hagelin/Goldhaber lawn sign from, print it out at your local print or copy store, and display it with pride! We're also distributing stencils to the state coordinator so lawn signs can be painted and distributed. Check your garage for plywood, and call your coordinator to help out in this effort.

8. Lights, Camera, Action--Get John and Nat on Public Access TV!

Two new broadcast-quality videotapes of John and Nat will be available in the next day or two at our new online store at, and we need you to get them on the air on your local public access cable station. Go to the online store to order tapes and to get instructions. This is a fantastic way to get our message out on the airwaves.

9. Help Spread the Word.

Tell your state media coordinator about good local radio and television shows John and Nat should be on, and email the information to us at <>. Remember, radio and print interviews are really easy to conduct by phone when John and Nat are on the campaign trail.

10. Rally Students.

Help get our message out about John & Nat's current college tour. Let us know if there is a university in your area where we could rally 200+ students from political science classes to hear John or Nat speak. Contact our college campus recruiters at (Volunteering/Organizing), or contact or your state chair, or call 877-Hagelin for more information.

Thank you in advance for all your efforts to get John Hagelin and Nat Goldhaber elected this November.

Doug Friedline
Hagelin/Goldhaber Campaign Manager

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