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News Flash!

Dateline 1/6/2000

Matching Funds Update: Only A Few States To Go!

We send our deepest thanks to everyone who has donated to the Hagelin 2000 campaign in recent months. As you know, in order to qualify for federal matching funds, Dr. John Hagelin needs to raise $5,000 in each of 20 states in donations of $250 or less. Thanks to all of you, we are now very close to achieving this goal. Federal matching funds will allow us to launch Dr. Hagelin's national media blitz, with regular 60-second TV spots throughout 2000!

We have now reached our target level of donations in 17 states--only 3 more states to go! But to create a safety buffer, we would like to reach our goal in 5 more states and to raise $500 to $1,000 extra in each state in order to ensure that we qualify. We're now focusing on the states listed below, where we're closest to the goal:

State Amount needed
Illinois 500
Washington 500
Minnesota 1500
Kansas 3300
Utah 3300
Indiana 3500
Wyoming 3500
Nevada 3700
Oregon 3700
New Jersey 3800
Hawaii 4000
Kentucky 4000
Missouri 4000
Georgia 4800
Wisconsin 4800

If you live in any of these states and have not yet contributed $250 to the Hagelin 2000 campaign, NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT. (Once we qualify for federal matching funds, your $250 will immediately become $500.) Also, if you have friends or family in these states who have not yet contributed to Dr. Hagelin's campaign, please call them and urge them to do so.

All contributions over $75 will receive as a premium a videotape of Neale Donald Walsch and John Hagelin presenting their forum on Personal Transformation and Political Renewal.

Please call 800-332-0000, ext. 112, today for contribution details. Contributions can also be made directly from the Hagelin 2000 website (

Just a few people donating $250 in each state will fulfill the requirements for federal matching funds. With your help, we will soon be able to launch our national media campaign, and Dr. Hagelin will soon be speaking to all Americans on national television.

Thank you in advance for your generosity and your timely action!

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