Hagelin Upholds Kucinich Resolution, Urges NLP Supporters to Take Action
Dr. John Hagelin |
In his opening remarks at a June 7 political rally in Fairfield, Iowa, NLP 2000 presidential nominee Dr. John Hagelin strongly supported the bold stance taken by Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-Ohio) demanding verification of Administration claims about Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction.
“It’s time to challenge President Bush and his false intelligence pretext for war,” Dr. Hagelin said.
Rep. Kucinich was visiting Fairfield, home of the national headquarters of the Natural Law Party, to speak about his presidential campaign and his recent Congressional initiatives.
On June 5, Kucinich led 30 Members of Congress in introducing a Resolution of Inquiry in the House of Representatives that would force the Administration to turn over the intelligence that supported yet unproven claims that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.
“It is long past time that the President and this Administration show its evidence,” stated Kucinich, the leader of the opposition to the war in Iraq in the House. “We are introducing this Resolution of Inquiry to compel the White House to substantiate its claims. The President led the nation to war, and spent at least $63 billion on that war, on the basis of these unfounded assertions.”
The resolution seeks substantiation of claims made by the President, Vice President, Secretary of Defense, and the White House Press Secretary that Iraq has chemical and biological weapons and therefore posed a threat to the United States.
The resolution is a privileged resolution and must be voted on in Committee within 14 legislative days. Kucinich used the same procedure in March to force the Administration to release the 12,000-page weapon report that Iraq has submitted to the United Nations.
“This Administration owes an explanation to this Congress and to the American people,” continued Kucinich. “Now is the time for truth telling.”
Joining Kucinich on the Resolution are Reps. S. Brown, J. Carson, Conyers, Cummings, Farr, Frank, Grijalva, Hinchey, Honda, Jackson-Lee, Jackson Jr., Tubbs Jones, Kaptur, Lee, J. Lewis, Maloney, McDermott, George Miller, Nadler, Owens, Rahall, Schakowsky, Serrano, Scott, Stark, Van Hollen, Waters, Watson, and Woosley.
Dr. Hagelin congratulated Kucinich on the Congressional resolution and strongly encouraged NLP supporters to contact their U.S. Representatives and urge them to support the resolution.
What You Can Do
- Please contact your Representative immediately and urge him or her to support the Kucinich Resolution of Inquiry. If your Representative is already a cosigner of the Resolution (see above list), please contact him or her to offer your support and congratulations. You can obtain the phone number, email address, and mailing address for your Representative at http://www.congress.org; just enter your zip code at the top of the page and click “GO.” (See sample emails below.)
- Please contact your family, friends, and business associates and ask them to do the same.
- Please also support Rep. Kucinich’s 2004 presidential campaign by visiting http://www.kucinich.us and making a generous donation. Contributions of up to $250 will be matched dollar for dollar by the federal government.
Thank you in advance for your timely action.
Sample Emails • For Cosigners of the Resolution
I want to thank and congratulate you for joining Rep. Dennis Kucinich in introducing a Resolution of Inquiry to compel the Administration to substantiate its claims about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. I want to know the truth about this issue—and about how the Administration evaluated intelligence data. As your constituent, I look forward to your continuing support of this resolution. Thank you.
• For Representatives Who Have Not Signed the Resolution
I strongly urge you to support the Resolution of Inquiry introduced by Rep. Dennis Kucinich and 30 other Members of Congress to compel the Administration to substantiate its claims about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. I want to know the truth about this issue—and about how the Administration evaluated intelligence data. As your constituent, I look forward to hearing from you about your support for this Resolution. Thank you.